Rs. 1 Lakh
Rs. 5 Lakhs
every month as a freelancer
Or Earn Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 1 lakh every month from Indian Clients
Learn Content Writing. Build a portfolio. Find premium Clients. Get Paid.
You cannot learn freelancing in a classroom, you have to do it to learn it.
India's First
Freelancing & Content Writing Workshop
By Shikhar Suri
Rs. 3999
Rs. 699
Q&A Sessions
20 - 22 (7-9pm)
June 2023
Work Guaranteed
Iconic Brands & Agencies I Have Worked With
Shikhar Suri
Brands Worked With
150 M+
Social Media Impressions
Freelancer &
Digital Marketer
Ex Suttl & Times
MBA - Silver Medalist
50 K+
Students Taught & Mentored
50 k+
Instagram Followers
Hi, I am Shikhar Suri, I am a silver medalist in MBA (Marketing) from IMT Ghaziabad.
I help people reach their career & financial objectives using freelancing.
How I do this?
By sharing my own experience & strategies that worked for me.
I have worked with many startups and corporates as a freelancer and a marketer.
I started my journey with my own small projects.
During my MBA, I created an online store to sell Masala Maggi to university students, and also started a cloud kitchen.
I started my corporate journey with the Times Of India, the biggest media house in the country. I got a chance to work with various brands & consult them on branding solutions at the Delhi Airport.
Some of the big brands I worked with : Google, Group M, Kinetic, Oppo, Vivo, American Express, Uber, IndusInd Bank, Mankind Pharma, Laqshya Media & Mitsubishi, Shuttl, Grofers, MTR & Oriental Bank
Meet Your Mentor
Is this a classroom program or an online program?We have both the options. You can opt for classroom program as well as online program.
The online program : Is it recorded or liveWe will have live classes with a lot of emphasis on practical training. You will also get links of youtube videos from great marketers to watch & prepare yourself.
Do we get recordings of the live session?You will be able to access the live recordings for the duration of the program.
Do you provide study materials and notes?Yes we do. You will get all the study material from us (ppts, pdfs, excels, etc.) The focus of the program is on practical learning instead of what's there in the notes.
Would there be a certificate on completion of the pogram?Yes! You will receive a certificate on completion, only if you have successful cleared all the modules.
Do you provide an internship?Yes we do! We do provide an internship in our group companies or with our partner companies.
What are the timings of the classes?We have weekday as well as weekend batches. You can enroll as per your choice & availability.
Will I get a job or freelance projects at the end of this program?Yes, we provide you with placement as well as project support. However, you will need to complete the program successfully, in oder to be eligible for the job. Disclaimer : We help you find a job or a marketing project. However, we do not offer placement guarantee.
Still Not Convinced?
Goto Instagram & search my name
Checkout my profile &
Watch my reels on freelancing
I am sure you will enjoy them.
I am going to share loads of value bombs in this workshop
that I am unable to share in reels